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The history of blackjack

 Blackjack is one of the most popular card games in casinos. Its history spans centuries, and its origins are unclear. But blackjack’s roots go back to French and Spanish card games of the 17th century.

Blackjack began as a game called “21”. The game was popular in France in the 1700s and was called “Vingt-et-Un.” This word means “21” in French. The game uses a deck of cards, and players compete against the dealer with the goal of getting the sum of their cards close to 21.

It was spread to Spain in the 18th century, where it was called “Veintiuna”. It later spread to the United States, where additional rules were introduced to the game. For example, rules were added such as when a player’s first two cards were A and J (10), he would receive a 3:2 payout.

Blackjack, in its current form, was established in the United States in the early 20th century. And as casino cities like Las Vegas grew, it became even more popular. It has now established itself as one of the representative games that can be enjoyed in casinos around the world.

Blackjack is a game enjoyed by many people due to its simple rules but strategic elements. A battle takes place between the dealer and the player, and the player must make appropriate decisions considering his or her hand and the dealer’s upcard. It has been loved for a long time and is still loved by many people, and is also popular in online casinos.


blackjack rules

Blackjack is generally played with the following rules:

  1. Start the game: The dealer deals 2 cards to the players and 2 cards to himself. One of the dealer’s cards is revealed and the other is hidden.
  2. Card Value: The number on the card has the same value as the corresponding number, with K (Queen), J (King), and 10 each counting as 10. Aces can be counted as 1 or 11, and can vary depending on the player’s choice.
  3. Goal: Players aim to beat the dealer while getting their card sum closer to 21. However, if you exceed 21, he will “Bust” and you will lose.
  4. Player Choices: Players have the following choices:
    • “Hit”: Receive an additional card.
    • “Stand”: The game proceeds with the current card total without receiving additional cards.
    • “Double Down”: Doubles your bet for the two cards initially dealt, after which you can only receive one additional card. Some casinos only allow this under certain conditions.
    • “Split”: The two cards of the same number initially dealt can be split and played into two separate hands. You may then receive additional cards for each hand.
  5. Dealer’s Play: Once the player has made all of his selections, the dealer plays according to the rules by revealing his second card and receiving an additional card. The dealer usually continues to receive cards if the card total is 16 or less, and stands if the card total is 17 or more.
  6. Determination of win or loss: Compare the card sums of the dealer and the player, and whichever is closer wins. If a player wins with a sum close to 21, they win 1:1 on their bet. If you win with Blackjack (Ace and 10, J, Q, K) you win 3:2 on your bet.

These are the general rules of blackjack, but there may be slight variations depending on the casino or online platform. When playing a game, it is important to check the rules of the venue.

Strategies to increase your chances of winning in blackjack!!

Blackjack has a strategic element, where the player’s decisions can affect winning or losing. Among the many strategies, we will introduce some commonly used strategies.

  1. Basic Strategy: Basic Strategy is a strategy that makes optimal decisions based on the player’s cards and the dealer’s upcards. This is a strategy based on probability and statistics, with the goal of helping players make choices that are most likely to win. The basic strategy is provided in the form of a chart or table, which players can use to make decisions.
  2. Card Counting: Card counting is one of the most popular strategies in blackjack. It aims to predict which cards a player has left by tracking the composition of his remaining card deck. Card counting allows you to determine which situations are advantageous for the dealer and which are advantageous for the player, allowing you to adjust the size of bets or change the player’s choices accordingly. Card counting requires skill and experience and may be prohibited in some casinos.
  3. Money Management: A money management strategy is a strategy for players to effectively manage their money. It aims to manage your long-term profits and losses by setting a budget and controlling the size of your bets. Money management strategies can help you minimize your losses and increase your chances of winning.

Strategy does not guarantee the outcome of the game. Blackjack is still a game where luck plays a big role, so even if you use strategy, you won’t always win. However, these strategies can help players improve their chances of winning and reduce their losses. When playing a game, it is important to choose a strategy that suits your experience and play style and use it appropriately.

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If you want to enjoy blackjack more fun and safely, enjoy it at URIBETWAY !!

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